In honor of the New Year, I did some research to find commemeorative days to celebrate reading. It turns out there’s quite a few. Oh, and did you know you can make any day a holiday. All you have to do is collect, 30,000 names on a petition. I’m declaring today “National Clean-Your-Room Day”. (Sign here).
Storystorm Month (Book Idea Brainstorming)
Hobby Month
2 Science Ficiton Day
14 National Clean Your Room Day (and then read a book you found!)
27 National Geographic Day/ Family Literacy Day in Canada
4 Take Your Child to the Librabry Day
14 Internantional Book Giving Day
National Reading Month
2 World Book Day/ Dr. Seuss’s Birthday/Read Across America Week
4 Scrapbooking Day
5-11 Read an E-book Week
19 Read to Me Day
21 World Poetry Day
Poetry Month
1 Reading is Funny Day
2 International Children’s Book Day
12 Bookmobile Day
19 Poetry and the creative Mind Day
23 World Book Day/Night
Get Caught Reading Month
1 Mother Goose Day
6 Free Comic Book day
16 Drawing Day/Biographers Day
30 Social Media Day
30 Paperback Book Day
1 World Wide Web Day
2 Coloring Book Day
9 Book Lovers Day
21 Poet’s Day
6 Read a book Day
7 Buy a Book Day
8 International Literacy Day
16 Read an e-book Day
25 Comic Book Day
Dyslexia Awareness Month
5 World Teacher’s Day
6 National Poetry Day
25 International Artists Day
Novel Writing Month
15 I love to Write Day
21 Short Story Day
PS: I didn't make these up. (Except for National Clean Your Room Day-Don't tell my kids!)